Noze - Songs On The Rocks (Get Physical Music)
01 L'Inconnu Du Placard
02 Danse Avec Moi
03 Little Bug
04 Childhood Blues
05 You Have To Dance
06 Slum Girl
07 Ethiopo
08 Remember Love
09 Kitchen (Pop Version)
Nicolas Sfintescu and his friend and fellow troublemaker Ezechiel Pailhes follow-up last years excellent How To Dance by upping the stakes - scaling up the production levels and necking another crate of vodka. Meticulously constructed prepared piano compositions rub shoulders with hip-moving guitar licks as the duo effortlessly merge their love of the avant-garde with their funk sensibilites. Dani Sciciliano even drops by to bring a dash of sensitivity to the table, complementing the pairs' gruff French musings.
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